Category: Video and Podcasts

VIDEO: Jon Stewart Dissects Jon Corzine and MF Global

Has anything changed in banking regulation since the crisis of 2008? Consider the case of MF Global Holdings Ltd., a New York-based securities firm that filed for bankruptcy protection on Oct. 31 after disclosing sizable exposure to derivatives and other investments related to billions of dollars in European sovereign debt. The firm was headed by Jon Corzine, a former CEO of Goldman Sachs who subsequently went into politics and was elected U.S. Senator and, later, Governor of New Jersey. In this video clip, “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart compares and contrasts the positions and behavior of Jon Corzine, the politician, with Jon Corzine, the CEO banker.

Video: Five Ways to Become Happier Today

For however elusive happiness is to define, there are very specific things people can do each day that are proven to increase happiness: Tal Ben-Shahar has spent his career studying them. He gave Big Think several practical happiness tips, including changing your calendar, buying a notebook, and changing your approach to car parking.

VIDEO: Infosys CEO Says Leaders Must “Walk the Talk”

Kris Gopalakrishnan, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Infosys Technologies, India, has suggestions on how business leaders can establish a corporate values framework. “Every company must define a framework for values, a framework for ethics, a framework for behavior of its leaders,” he says. “Leaders must walk the talk, leaders must lead by example. There has to be zero tolerance for values violations.”




Which of the following is the most important current corporate responsibility issue?

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